Monday, May 13, 2024

Psaki Forced To Excise the Lie That Biden Did Not Look At His Watch As 13 Coffins Returned Home After Suicide Bomb At Kabul Airportaat HatWatch thatdo kai


It is said that a picture is worth a 1000 words
Especially when it contradicts a claim that was absurd
Jen Psaki who was Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary during the tenure of a properly named Carney
Whose recounting of the news aimed to sway voters was pure blarney
Although thought to be his replacement she was not
Went to the Cack News Network as a political analyst with the bias CNN sought
Involved in the Biden Harris 2020 campaign and then Press Secretary for a short time
Then off to the Mostly Slanted News Broadcasting Cack to more money find
Had a book out on her days in the Obama and Biden White House Say More
Where the truth about Biden’s disrespect while meeting the coffins of the 13 Americans killed by a suicide bomber on guard duty at the Kabul airport chose to ignore
Worse the book pushed a bald face lie
That as the 13 coffins were received Biden never kept looking at his watch the book denies
Photos at the ceremony show an impatient Biden at his watch taking a look
Due to outcries from the Gold Star Families present and the photos the denial is being excised in the reprint of the book
What flavor of ice cream was such a magnet that he felt it was time for him to leave
Having absolutely no empathy for the families who over their loss grieved?
This dementia affected senile old man from the Oval Office needs to go
Back to his home on a Delaware beach, read a book, soak up the Sun and feel the winds blow

© May 13, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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