Sunday, May 19, 2024

What If a President Came To Town and No One Wanted To See Hime?


Biden’s puppet masters must be desperate and see the writing on the wall
Their feeble, senile dementia infected candidate is going to lose this fall
Keeping Trump off the campaign trail and confined to a courtroom
Due to a biased judge and politicized Bragg has brought Blues nothing but gloom
Americans are smart enough to recognize a Stalin like show trial
A denial of our sense of fair play that has them riled
Biden on the campaign trail is a steady stream of mental lapses and gaffes
While the strategy of bogus trials is subjecting him to the voters’ shaft
Normally when a presidential motorcade appears in a town
Onlookers cram the sidewalks to get a glimpse of the motorcade as it comes around
In Atlanta at Morehouse College after a commencement address
That was really a campaign speech causing grads some distress
The sidewalks were bare
No one to wave at the president was there
Support of Biden among blacks continues to drop like a rock
Without large black majorities Biden’s path to the Oval Office is blocked
Biden’s video challenging Trump to a debate
With a “Make my day” Dirty Harry ape
Went over like a lead balloon
Reenforced Biden’s image as a total buffoon

© May 19, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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