Friday, May 24, 2024

California Is Moving Closer to Reparations For Descendants of Slaves and Free Blacks Here Prior to the 19th Century's End


The Golden State when it comes to budgets is turning its gold into iron pyrite
As spending and decreasing revenues are creating a deficit hole that is growing out of sight
The estimates are in ranging from $41 billion to a $73 billion high
The California state senate has a bill to create a task force to determine how the issue of reparations will apply
To the descendants of slave and free blacks who lived here prior to the 19th Century’s end
To determine the form of reparations to the legislature it will send
No dollar payments have yet been proposed but $1.2 million per person has been heard
With our pending deficit that amount is clearly absurd
What ever the amount proposed will be either in cash or other programs to be put in place
Taxpayers should not be surprised see requests the spigots be open to a higher spending pace
The idea of black descendants of slaves and free blacks who are making 6 figures plus income will be a total disgrace
Once a state commission like DEI to promote is formed it will feast on tax dollars uncontrolled while it feeds its face

© May 24, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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