Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Bud Light Still Has Not Recovered From the Dylan Mulvaney Fiasco

Bud Light due to its inane partnership with Transgender Dylan Mulvaney lost its number 1 ranking last year
Dug itself a deep hole and the sales light at the end of the tunnel has yet to appear
Not even the master showman Payton Manning spiraling Bud Lights in a bar
Has been able to restore the luster of this faded once superstar
Budweiser was an advertising power house with its Clydesdales who once hauled wagons loaded with kegs of beer
And the famous Bud Light Girls who bar owners and patrons loved to have at a lucky tavern appear
Budweiser should have known sex and football tailgates will beer sell
Not a transgender whose is more akin to scrapping the last dregs of a well
At A B in the U.S. sales are down along with EBITDA
Ever reminding the beer barons that their partnership was flawed
So Modello Especial is still in first place with a Cinco de Mayo boost
While Bud Light is most likely not regaining lost sales as the PC chickens of beer still coming home to roost

© 5/8/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet 

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