Friday, May 3, 2024

Sanders Inanely Conflates the Vietnam War Protests To the College Protests Of the Hamas Israeli War and LBJ's Fate


Leftist Bernie Sanders to Biden and his supporters has warned
As college campuses are enduring an anti-Israel swarm
That Biden's Israel support will be like LBJ's South Vietnam support
Massive antiwar demonstrations caused him to his reelection campaign abort
Americans were being drafted to go to Vietnam and by the hundreds die
To conflate Hamas Israeli war with Vietnam all rationality defies
Americans do not want another Holocaust to see
If Palestine becomes free as Israelis are driven into the seas
October 7 was a preview and wake-up call
Of the fate of Israeli citizens if Israel were to fall
Only difference between Hamas and Nazi genocide
Is that Hamas can butcher Jews where they reside
Will not need to cram them into a death camp train rides
But Jews in Palestine will cease to exist--all will have died
Jews and Catholics will be fleeing Biden and the Blues en masse
Their days like the days of an increasing number of blacks voting Blue is long past

© 5/3/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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