Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Time To Tone Down the Antisemitic Rhetoric Before Jews Here Are Killed


Anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian protests and demonstrations and tent encampments are breaking out on university campuses across the land
Along with the rise of antisemitism urging the killing of Jewish students which is getting out of hand
Students, faculty members and nonstudent agitators morphing from calls for a cease fire
To demands of divestment of companies doing business with Israel and support of Israel to quickly expire
Outlandish claims that Jews who endured the Holocaust are guilty of Palestinian genocide
In Israel they face an existential threat from Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran of annihilation they have not denied
We should be aware that it is only a question of time
Before the antisemitic rhetoric of guillotining college administrators and killing Jews become actual crimes
It is time for such rhetoric over the top
Shouted by students and agitators to come to a complete stop
Hamas does not want peace or a 2 state solution only that Israelis are pushed into the sea
Dying by the millions so Palestinians can then become free

© 5/8/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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