Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Biden At Sea Offering Condolences For the Death Of the Bucher Of Tehran While Most Iranians Are Jumping For Joy


Once again Biden on the issue of Iran seems totally at sea
When he lifted sanctions on Iran allowing billions to go into its treasury
He assured the American people that none of the funds would support terror
But the President of Iran, the “Butcher of Tehran” touted he was in error
Iran he said would not accept any restrictions on where the funds were spent
Good chance some of the funds built some of the 300 drones and missiles that into Israeli air space were sent
The Butcher of Tehran’s reign of terror on Iranian dissidents has come to an end
Coming back from a dam inauguration his chopper crashed in the fog to his death send
This Butcher had plenty of blood on his hands including U.S. troops and Masha who for not wearing a hajib right died from a concussion in jail
Instead of popping the corks and urging Iranians to rise up against Iran’s murderous regime, on that test Biden failed
He uttered his condolences on his death when most Iranians were overjoyed
Did not complain when the UN flag at half-staff was deployed
Probably instructed our UN Ambassador to join in moment of silence Security Council tribute
When the Butcher’s actions as judge and president all sense of human rights did refute
If Trump were in office any nation buying Iranian oil would be subject to sanctions to reduce Iranian oil exports to a trickle
Watch riots in the streets by dissident Iranians as their economy was crippled
Shades of déjà vu some clandestine arms shipments like in the Soviet Afghan war
So the mullahs would be force to the issues of human rights no longer be able to ignore

 © May 21, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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