Tuesday, May 21, 2024

If Bragg's Lady Justice Were Blind, Cohen Would Have Been Cuffed After Admitting Under Oath To Steeling $60,000 From Trumptebeein


Cohen on cross admitted to winning the disgraced witness' Triple Crown
Serial Liar, Disbarred Felon and lastly $60,000 Thief to Bragg's show trial shoot down
But as the poster child for two systems of justice he indicated a possible Congressional race
Touted his name recognition thinking that would put him in first place
When after admission of his guilt he should have been cuffed and led away
To Rikers Island to be charged with theft that very same day
If Bragg's system of justice were blind which it is not
Almost anyone else would a bail bondsman being sought
We can only hope Bragg never knew of the theft and it came as a surprise
And in a moment of spite charges him with a felony for causing Bragg's bogus show trial case demise
If Cohen is not arrested and is idiotic enough for a House seat campaign
He should remember the pervert Anthony Weiner's run for NYC Mayor that was flushed down the drain

© May 21, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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