Thursday, May 9, 2024

Boeing 737 30 years old slides off Senegal runway during take off--pilot error-shoddy engineering , or lack of maintenance?


Another day, another mishap involving a Boeing made plane
While taking off in Senegal it slid off the runaway and was engulfed in flames
Into the grass bordering the concrete runway
Crew was able to deploy the evacuation slides so all passengers and crew slid away
11 were injured as passengers descended from this 737 of 30 years
Too soon to know whether pilot error or another engineering mishap to appear
If Boeing doesn’t get its act together and perception of shoddy engineering overcome
The FAA will come down on it like a ton of bricks and its role as a leading exporter will be done
Airbus will be eating its export lunch
If airlines pull back fearing another grounding watch out for a massive credit crunch

© May 9, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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