Thursday, August 15, 2024

Young Illegal Alien Gangs Living in Shelters Are Committing More and More Robberies


NYC ‘s fiscal woes keep growing each day
As more and more dollars for illegal aliens it has to pay
The last 2 years tending to the needs of illegals cost 5 Billion bucks
While residents of the Big Apple think their safety and quality of life sucks
Worse the tab for the current fiscal year of 2025
ill be a budget busting 5 billion dollars impairing the city’s ability to financially survive
The safety issue caused by illegals keeps getting worse
Central Park suffers the spike in robberies by young illegal gangs’ curse
Who live in city owned shelters but leave to on victims prey
Being in Central Park has become being a target for these gangs to waylay
The NYPD Thin Blue Line is getting thinner each and every day
Even with drones in the sky and more patrols the robberies seem here to stay
Anyone with any money concerned with safety should opt to the city flee
Depriving the city of tax revenue needed to less crime achieve
While the border under Biden Harris remains open wide
Remaining in NYC is too fraught with danger and no upside

© 8/15/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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