Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Two Muslims to Face Each Other in Minnesota Antisemite Omar and Pro Israel Al-Aqidi--Hope AIPAC Is Not AWOL

 AIPAC was a major donor in the Blue primary campaigns
To flush Bowman and Bush down the drain
But in the case of infamous antisemite Ilhan Omar it sheathed its sword
Omar outraised her opponent 4 to 1 and was propelled in a landslide victory reward
To in the general face Dalia Al-Aqidi, a Muslim refugee from Saddam Hussein’s Iraq
Unlike Omar who far too often levies against America and Israel vicious attacks
Al-Aqidi is a true patriot supporting the Constitution and pro-Israel
As the Jewish state is living in the bulls eye of threatened Iranian revenge Hell
In Congress she would be a welcome counterweight to the anti-Israel rants of the Squad
Whose leftist policies and agenda are inanely and dangerously flawed
She has already reached out to Samuels who to Omar in a landslide lost
Seeking his support as another two years of Omar is too high a cost
Reds should hope that in this bluest of the Blues district
That AIPAC open up its campaign purse to Omar’s quest for reelection interdict
We will never have peace in the Middle East
While vultures on the corpses of Arabs and Jews feast
Unless Muslims can ape Al-Aqidi and seek to work together to their lives better
And the inane cycle of hatred and killing each other finally fetter

© 8/14/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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