Saturday, August 24, 2024

Home Owner With a Gun in Texas Forces Intruder to Drop His Machete and Try to Flee Before Being Arrested by Police


Violent crime in this nation has become an indelible part of our landscape
A plague from which it becomes harder and harder to escape
The wealthy are able to afford armed guards to their families protect
Others in an era of defund the police and resigning cops have too often only 911 to select
But to no one’s surprise despite ridicule and more Blue gun control crusades
More and residents are arming themselves with guns to becoming a crime victim statistic evade
Daryl Stevens moved with wife and two small children from Austin to Liberty Hill
A suburb supposedly “safe” from those who would rape, rob, assault or kill
His video camera caught a man with a machete climbing his fence to try to break in
While wife called 911 he frantically started locking doors and windows and grabbed his 9 millimeter gun
To in the face of bodily harm to his family he would be the person who won
The intruder had climbed to the upper deck to with Stevens’ gun pointed at him to his entry deny
Told to leave immediately or he would die
Fortunately not on drugs or mentally ill and he dropped the machete in reply
Had he not and not climbed back down killing him Stevens would have been justified
Stand Your Ground Law in Texas does not require a gunowner to retreat before  able to shoot
Stevens felt very lucky and relieved the intruder dropped his machete climbed down while the police were enroute
The intruder was arrested for criminal trespass and held on $10,000 bail
But with soft on crime D.A. Garza, unlikely he will spend much time in jail
The incident makes one want to paraphrase Sean Connery’s line in “The Untouchables as Jim Malone
“You wanna know how to stop an intruder in your home?
He brings a machete, you bring your gun
He may send you to the hospital, you send him in a “Meat Wagon” morgue run
That’s the Texas Way
How Texas home intruders are kept away “

© 8/24/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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