Friday, August 23, 2024

The Three Wise Monkeys Under Harris Become the Three Unwise Monkeys


We all know the three wise monkeys creed
A way of living that more of us should heed
See no evil, hear no evil and no evil speak
Sadly discarded when politicians like Harris the Oval Office seek
To become when describing the platform Trump will rely
See only evil, hear only evil and speak not truth but only lies
Falsely claiming that Trump will impose on us Project 2025
Not part of the platform but Harris intones its implementation he will contrive
Falsely claiming that Trump will end Social Security and Medicare
When he has pledged not to cut and fixes like increasing retirement age does not share
Falsely claimed Trump would create a nationwide abortion ban
When his proclaims the states should decide but opposes in third term favored by a majority in this land
Harris seeks to erase 3 ½ years of her inaction and failure as our vote she sought
Must think we are stupid to think she will act when as V.P. she did squat

© 8/23/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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