Sunday, August 4, 2024

NYC's Quality of Life Is under fatal attack with homelessness, mental illness. addiction, urination and defecation and crime growing unchecked


The Big Apple is rotting away to its core
Overwhelmed by and increasing flood of illegals and homeless becoming difficult to ignore
More and more homeless beset by drug addiction and mental illness on sidewalks to sleep
Urine and feces on sidewalks and public parks destroying sanitation and hygiene making residents want to weep
The NYPD is stretched too thin in a losing battle against open narcotics sales and use
Property destruction, shoplifting, against residents physical and verbal intimidation and abuse
Mayor Adams once promising program to link homeless suffering from mental illness
To mental health professionals has stalled to further the residents’ distress
Even with climate change winter with snow and freezing temperatures is on its way
Making us wonder how law abiding residents will make it through another day
Thanks to the Harris Biden policy of open borders and border states shipping illegals to sanctuary cities in northern states
Gutting the social safety nets by the flood of illegals that shows no sign of beginning to abate
Add to the misery of the homeless, mental ill and addicts curses
Is the draconian level of taxation decimating residents’ dwindling purses
Little wonder that those with higher incomes are fleeing NYC
Worsening downward death spiral of the city we daily see
  © 8/4/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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