Tuesday, August 13, 2024

At W.H. Press Briefing WAPO Was Seriously Asking What the White House Was Doing to Censor the "Misinformation" of Musk's Interview with Trump


The MSM is in meltdown mode after the Musk interview of Trump on X which was delayed due to technical glitches
Asking what the White House would do to bury the misinformation in the censorship ditch
WAPO whose slogan is “Democracy Dies In Darkness” made that censorship pitch
To no one’s surprise from any objective reporting WAPO was quick to turn off the switch
Only the “journalists” of WAPO must think they with impunity can enlist the feds
To if they disagree with the speech, the First Amendment shred
Elon Musk is the modern day Horatio at the bridge to stand in the way
Of the MSM censors trying 24/7 to the free speech protected by the First Amendment slay

© 8/13/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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