Sunday, August 25, 2024

Another New Example That to Deceive Voters "Tampon Tim" Lies Another Nickname "Throw Rug Tim" to Apply


Looks like Tampon Tim has picked up another nickname
Which like the charge of Stolen Valor merits only shame
When Walz ran for Congress in 2006 he touted on his campaign website
A 1993 award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce for supporting its fights
Only problem is that from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce no award was ever received
A blistering letter to him from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce President
Clearly proves no such claimed award to him was ever sent
In her rush to a VP pick after her antisemitic wing Governor Shapiro sabotaged
With Walz’s 24 years of military service went through only vetting motions thinking no complaints would be lodged
Just another example like touting after retirement he remained a command master sergeant to voters deceive
Since more and more he seems like a rug that lies
Throw Rug Tim we know should now apply
Like a Throw Rug being able to change or alter décor
Throw Rug Tim is able to truth falsely alter or ignore

© 8/25/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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