Friday, August 23, 2024

Alaska Supreme Allows Voter Referendum Ending Ranked Voting to Be Placed On the November Ballot


Alaska’s ranked choice ballot provisions passed by a voter referendum in 2020 and first used in 2022
Which seated Blue Mary Peltola and signaled that ex- Governor Palin’s political career was through
Were facing a referendum of the voters to end its provisions which the issue of it being placed on the ballot was before the courts
A lower court ruled that any petitions that were flawed due to notary issued could be corrected and refuse to placement on the ballot abort
Alaska’s Supreme Court the lower decision upheld  and it on the ballot in November be
If passed Alaska will revert to the old fashioned way that the candidate with the most votes is the one who can claim victory

© 8/23/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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