Friday, August 23, 2024

Red Lt. Governor Nancy Dahlstrom Suspends Campaign in 3 Way Race To Insure Red Begich III's House Victory Over Blue Incumbent


In Alaska “The North to the Future” state
Reds have just heaped a serving of reelection trouble on the Blue incumbent’s plate
In a three way race for its lone House seat
To all but insure the incumbent’s defeat
Red Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom suspended her campaign
Will most likely soon endorse Red Nick Begich, III  to end Blue Pelota’s one term reign
Unlike Biden who withdrew
Not by his choice but due to a well-orchestrated coup
Dahlstrom acted to do for Alaska what she thought would be best
Which adding to the slim Red majority to fight the Blue’s attempt to oil and gas product arrest
To the Blue members of Congress who seem to always be in lockstep
With a Blue president or Minority leader to merit a puppet rep
Admire Dahlstrom who placed a nation’s needs over personal desires
Which in an era of gridlock and divisiveness is deeded for our republic to flourish not expire

© 8/23/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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