Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo Not Aware of Labor Dept. Revision Downward of Jobs Created by 818,000


The chilling news on the economy is that the BLS has overstated the number of jobs created
Not by just a few but in one of the largest revisions ever by 818,000 Harris’ job creation boast was deflated
Sloppy paperwork or worse a conscious attempt to cook the books to help Harris get elected
Reds should fear the TDS Stage 4 has infected  all levels of government to take any steps to insure Trump is rejected
The Secretary of Commerce when asked what she thought of the revision
Replied she was not familiar with the changing job numbers decision
And after shown a clip of Trump revealing the change added that Trump has never told the truth yet
Talk about the Commerce Department being asleep at the wheel and totally inept
When your TDS Stage 4 is so advanced that you refuse to anything Trump has said believe
When he is quoting government stats which you ignored, needed government actions will not be achieved

© 8/21/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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