Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ferguson Protests Over the Killing of Michael Brown 10 Years Ago Have a Black Officer Fighting For His Life and an Alternate DNC Delegate Arrest For Kicking Down a Metal Gate of the Fence


On August 9, 2014 18 year old black Michael Brown by a Ferguson cop was fatally shot
Darren Wilson the cop who pulled the trigger was never charged but demands to prosecute him went for naught
10 years later his death still produces protests that turn violent
Marring what started out as a mostly peaceful event
When protestors broke down the fence surrounding a Ferguson police station
And one of them 28 year old Elijah Gantt in an act that merits condemnation
Ran into black police officer Travis Brown knocking him down as his head hit the concrete
Who suffered a concussion and is in the hospital in critical condition fighting to death defeat
Gantt was quickly arrested but what makes the story unique
Is that Keith Rose who on the St. Louis Oversight Board has a seat
To review charges of police misconduct was arrested for kicking down a metal gate of the fence
Caught on video when he committed the offense
When Blues across the nation’s cities are too often at the forefront of defund the police
Clearly his acts show in dealing with police his objectivity would seem to cease
And as icing on the cake he was an alternate uncommitted delegate to the Chicago DNC
From which he has resigned but not the Oversight Board which refusal reeks of lack of impartiality
After 10 years the anger over Brown’s death has yet to fade away
Yet from a 2014 force of 53 that only 3 were black, 22 of the 41 officers are black today

© 8/15/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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