Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Oops 818,000 Jobs Created as Reported by the Feds Never Did Exist


Mark Twain once said there are “Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics”
With the latter often used to defeat and demean policy critics
Despite numerous attacks on “Bideneconomics” that it has failed
Biden and his Blues have countered with job creation stats that its success entailed
Only glaring problem we now find
Is government statisticians in rush to protect Blues were blind
The truth is that 818,000 previously reported created jobs never did exist
Almost a million workers forced to on unemployment benefits or savings to subsist
The news interestingly revealed that at the same time GM announced ending 5,000 jobs
The prosperity and security that a paycheck entails now robbed
An honest mistake or error or consistent with Trump being held in contempt
An effort to aid Blues and Trump’s path to the White House prevent?
My best guess and intuition sides with the latter
Blue government employees will go to any lengths to Trump’s election chances shatter

© 8/21/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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