Friday, August 16, 2024

House Oversight Committee Has Started an Investigation of Walz's Dealings and Relationships With China


Walz’s admiration of China and his dealings there have raised concern that he may be more than just a Chinaphile
But a leader who has been a target of the CCP for a long while
Who has espoused a hope that were are not with China in an adversarial relationship
At a time when China is 24/7 seeking to cause the U.S.’s standing and power to slip
The House Oversight Committee has started an investigation over Walz’s Chinese dealings
We hope it will find admiration for the Chinese but not the CCP so it will not be a Manchurian Candidate be revealing
More baggage for Walz to have to endure
And more regrets that a more thorough was not insured
The stakes in this election remain sky high
But Harris is still aping Biden’s basement policy to questions from the press deny
She must believe the longer she delays and the more early votes that are cast
The more she believes she and Walz will overcome their radical leftist past

© 8/16/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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