Friday, August 9, 2024

61 killed in turbo prop crash near Sao Paulo, Brazil; Trump Force One Diverted to Bozeman After Undisclosed Mechanical Issue


In today’s airplane safety news an ATR 72 turbo prop operated by Veopass on a flight to Sao Paulo crashed some into a gated community some 50 miles away
Too early to know the cause only no distress warnings on a flight that ended the lives of 4 crew and 57 passengers on this day
The plane fell some 17,500 feet in less than a minute in a flat spin with no horizontal speed
Can only imagine the terror of those aboard knowing they were about to die and no time to their Maker plead
The only silver lining was no one in the gated community was injured or died
The black box was recovered to hopefully the cause of the crash describe
In more airline safety news Trump Force One enroute to Billings for a rally that night
Had a mechanical issue not disclosed during the flight
To be diverted to Bozeman and safely land
To board another private jet to greet the thousands patiently and eagerly waiting in the stands
Trump Force One was built in 1991 33 years ago
And is the perfect plane to the Trump brand show
Power and luxury as a private jet beyond compare
After news of the mechanical issue we pray that the same level of maintenance with Air Force One

© 8/9/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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