Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Blues Are Terrified That Their DNC in Chicago Will Be a Repeat of the 1968 DNC in Chicago


The DNC is rapidly approaching and Blues are fearful of the demonstrations that may it await
That we will see a replicate of the riots in Chicago at the DNC held in 1968
The Hamas Israeli War will still being waged
Despite its best efforts Gazan civilians will be dying to stoke further rage
The antisemites demands for a ceasefire
Have morphed into a demand that military aid to Israel expire
Massive demonstrations in Chicago with the flying of Palestinian and Hamas flags
Will cause Jewish support for the Blues to terminally lag
If this election is going to be as close as close can be
Blues will be in a world of hurt if Jews from them flee
The world is on pins and needles trying to halt Iranian escalation by it or its terrorist proxies
Having vowed to punish Israel for its assassinations on Iranian soil hard for them to shed their revenge moxie
While more and more foreign leaders are wondering who if anyone is in charge at the White House
Worse in the dark knowing policies for our allies and foes espouse

© 8/13/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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