Sunday, August 4, 2024

Second Man Hoping To Become First Man Confessed To an Affair with His Children's Nanny Who Became Pregnant


The news today has an unsettling reptilian brain déjà vu
That guts one of the favorite anti-Trump lines of the Blues
That in no uncertain terms
Shows reptilian brain misdeeds are both political parties’ concern
In an aping Schwarzenegger’s marital indiscretions
That caused the end of a 35 year marriage as its dispossession
The Second Man Doug Emhoff admitted today he had an affair while married to wife number one
He impregnated the nanny of his young daughter and young son
The pregnancy forced her to resign from The Willows a private school for the elite
It is not yet known whether the “love child” was born or whether the nanny had to an abortion seek
Like Schwarzenegger the affair resulted in his 17 year marriage ending up in divorce
Which is in almost all cases following an extramarital affair with a pregnancy par for the course
Wonder if the revelation is causing in his 10 year marriage with Harris a good deal of distress
And why at this time what prompted Emhoff to the affair and pregnancy confess
Was it to generate for Harris empathy as a cheated upon wife
Or was it due to his guilt causing him a lot of internal strife?

© 8/4/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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