Saturday, August 10, 2024

Labor Day Weekend Start of NFL Season and Withdrawal from Afghanistan


Labor Day Weekend 2022

Labor Day Weekend and the end of the NFL Pre-Season
The end of summer and the end of 20 years of Afghan fighting seasons
13 dead Americans in a parting ISIS deadly suicide bombing farewell
Hundreds of Americans to be left behind to face a Sharia imposed Hell
In a place in the where foes understand only unrestrained strength and fury, we have a weak Biden with his head in the sand
To the parents and siblings of 13 dead Americans what can you say
As a befuddled Biden put the steps in motion to place them in harm’s way?
With too many Blues cowering under Pelosi’s iron rule

No chance to use the Constitution’s Impeachment tools
Fortunately November, 2022 is almost here

Time for Red majorities in the House and Senate to reappear

Time to a dementia infected to be reined in

Time to on the world stage for America to again win

© 8/10/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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