Friday, August 2, 2024

Harris Potential VP Pick May Have a Lot of Unwanted Baggage


The bloom may be off the rose for one of Harris’ favored VP’s picks
Governor Shapiro abruptly cancelled a major donor fund raising trip
Could it be that as a Jew he had qualms about Harris’ deemed pro-Palestine stance
And his conscience could not cope with being portrayed to voters as aiding an antisemitism advance?
Or could it be from reports in his office of sexual abuse
Confirming the reptilian brain on both sides is too easily let loose?
Or could it be that in an important energy producing state as its AG
Was engaged with a leftist group attacking fossil produced energy?
Such revelations will not help the rebranding the Harris campaign is trying to sell
Her flip flop on fracking to soothe Green Progressives with voters will not go well

© 8/2/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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