Wednesday, August 14, 2024

NFL Preseason Has Begun With Rookies Trying to Make the Team While a 36 Year Old Has Been Kaepernick Still Thinks He Can Play


The long awaited NFL preseason has  begun with new kickoff rules to add in the game more returns
While the teams’ stars may be suited they  are mostly on the bench watching rookies try to a spot on the team earn
Not on the field we learn of a former player thinking at the QB position he can still play
Colin Kaepernick who was the 49ers’ QB in their lost Super Bowl in 2013 soon radical views on the field would display
From kneeling on the field instead of standing for the National Anthem and wore socks depicting cops as pigs
To merit the disgust of fans, coaches and NFL big wigs
Was only a question of time not if but when
Released in 2016 after being QB the 49ers were 1 and 10
Continues to believe after all the bridges he has burned
That a QB position with an NFL team he can earn
It is admirable that Kaepernick still has his dream but reality needs to at some point appear
Activism and sports do not mix well and at 36 away for many years of taking snaps, his football skills have probably disappeared
© 8/14/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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