Thursday, August 15, 2024

Harris Avoiding Press Conferences Like the Plague Tries to Substitute Call to Walz to Join the Team Which Was Lambasted


Harris needing to rebrand herself and her radical views to pull the wool over our eyes
Despite increasing demands for her to respond to the press she continues to defy
Her idea of a press conference is to have her and Tampon Tim reminisce
On her phone call with him on joining her team which social media critics quickly dismissed
Totally scripted and completely fake
Should convince voters voting for them is huge mistake
On her flip flopping to gain moderate mainstream votes
When after the election her doing a 180 is completely remote
This woman is like a salmon who is hatched in a creek
And when it is time to spawn the same waters it will seek
We should and must not her rebranding believe
|Any more than thinking a leopard will changing its spots achieve

© 8/15/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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