Wednesday, August 16, 2023

If DHS Cannot Protect Its Own Workers Coming to Work in SFO How Can They Protect Us


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist  to know our urbans areas are being inundated in a crime wave
Hardly a day goes by without news of a carjacking, smash and grab or innocent shot to be sent to an early grave
SFO is a classic example of how quickly into criminal anarchy having adequate police a city balks
The homelessness, feces, urine, used needles and OD’s on sidewalks
Working or coming into SFO for shopping, dining or entertainment
Is a risky journey into potential harm a person and surviving family would soon lament
Charged with protecting the nation is the DHS
With many well-armed agents one would think they would be immune from distress
Sadly, so sadly the department that is to protect us cannot its workers protect
In SFO’s 18 story federal building nearby crime is so bad workers going there should reject
Workers at DHS now being advised to from home telework
Another example of the defund the police rhetoric going berserk
Unless all of us are going to have to start heavy weapons packing
We need to dump the Defunders and give our Thin Blue Line our devoted backing
And eliminate the cashless bail turnstile that lets felons leave
Before the ink is dry on an arrest report as felons out looking to more crime achieve

© 8/16/2023 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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