Sunday, August 27, 2023

Haley Urges Reds to End There Support of Trump--If He Runs Biden Will Win As a Shill For Harris Who Will Quickly Occupy the White House


Nikki Haley’s political observations hit the nail squarely on its head
Mired in 4 indictments to be hobbled on the campaign, it is time to support for him shed
She served under him and acclaims his accomplishments
But she knows the indictment clouds will cause Indies’ votes for him not to be sent
The charges are clearly the result of politicized AG’s and the DOJ
Who will do anything to insure from any chance to win Trump is sent away
They will not need any trials to achieve their political goal to prevent a Trump win
And even if a trial and acquittal they will advance “he needed to  prove his innocence” spin
More so than ever the Reds must this election win both presidency and down ballot races
Ere with liberal justices from District Court to SCOTUS will be put in place
Given Biden’s age and quickly fading cognitive skills
He will not full serve his term as a Harris Presidency shill
Harris has proven the Peter Principle in spades
A disaster as VP, she does not deserve a political upgrade
Voters who stick with Trump in the primary to put him over the top
In the general will be like lemmings rushing over the political cliff to their deaths drop

© 8/27/2023 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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