Monday, August 14, 2023

Garland Ignored Required Procedures to Appoint David Weiss as "Special Prosecutor Not to Investigate But to Keep House in the Dark


“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me again shame on me”
Will that adage apply now that as “Special Counsel” David Weiss we now see
This man was in charge of the “investigation” of Hunter Biden for 5 years
Intentionally slow walking the laptop revelations and allowing SOL’s to charges disappear
Capped off after 5 years by his crown jewel
Of a soft wrist tap to the judge try to fool
His was not an investigation to follow the facts
Even if it led to criminal charges against Biden to attack
This farce was designed only to give the DOJ the ability to Congress not respond
On any acts supporting criminality of Hunter or Biden that were found
House Republicans to a person must accept this simple fact
Any “investigation” will any objectivity or finding of criminality by Biden lack
We are not surprised our DOJ protect Biden at all costs
Any sense of objectivity or non-politicization has long since lost
The FBI whistleblower testified under oath the Biden transition team on a plan to interview Hunter was tipped off
And at the statutes governing procedure to appoint a “special counsel” Garland merely scoffed
Special counsels cannot be government employees
As to Weiss’s status as a DOJ attorney none can disagree
With Weiss, Wray and Garland being Horatio’s at the bridge to the House prevent
From uncovering impeachable crimes the House must pass the Articles of Impeachment

© 8/14/2023 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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