Almost all of agree that the use of force by police should never go to excess
Regardless of the situation that many insure on the officer a heap of stress
Thanks to the video tracing back to the unauthorized beating of Rodney King
Excess force that many blacks had felt for years but only their word against the officers to
The public got to witness before their very eyes
Use of excessive force that the police would routinely deny
In a he said he said or if no living victim whose version does the D.A. select
The arrestee or the man in blue who has sworn to the citizens serve and protect?
To often human nature being what it is the choice was very clear
Why we have a history of few prosecutions and convictions that are very dear
Smart phones with cameras and surveillance cameras were soon everywhere
Excessive force caught on camera for the public and the D.S.’ to be laid bare
Blacks now felt they had proved their case and even if the excessive force was not on tape
In many minds it had always been so and the dogs of outrage would soon escape
Michael Brown was shot and killed not on tape and the false narrative of “hands up don’t
shoot” was born
The Blacks Lives Matter came into being along with Ferguson riots and peaceful protest
apart torn
Soon demands that cops have car dashboard cams and body cams to encounters tape
To insure that for the good of the officers and the public excessive force from being seen
would not escape
Since George Floyd’s death the nation has been torn by riots and lootings
Great damage to black neighborhoods most affected by police excessive force or shootings
In Chicago a black man was shot by Chicago police, sparking a rumor they had shot a child
Like gasoline tossed on a fire, the flames of rioting this time in the Miracle Mild were
running wild.
Police say the man was running from them shooting at them
One prays that the scene is on camera to the violence and looting stem
If not a nationwide wake-up call
We have got to find a way to tear down our racial distrusting and dividing walls
© August 10, 2020 Michael P. Ridley the Alaskanpoet
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