Ridley’s Believe It Or Not August 11, 2020
CV World Cases: The CV pandemic across the
planet continues with 338,196 new cases (a .68%
increase compared to a 1.77% increase yesterday) to bring the
total over 20 million to 20,374,015 cases, 6,355,650
of which are active, 14,018,365 of which have
been closed with 13,278,924 recoveries (94.71 compared
to yesterday’s 94.66%) and 741,441 deaths (5.29% compared
to yesterday’s 5.34%) to continue the trend of increased recovery percentages
and decreased mortality percentages.
CV USA Cases: New cases of 15,225 with
total cases exceeding 5 million at 5,265,034 (a .29% increase compared to
yesterday’s 2.52% increase) with 2,378,916 active cases of which 17,598,
on a downward trend from over 19,000 in the last 2 weeks (17,602 yesterday),
are in serious or critical condition as trend continues to go down, and 2,886,118 closures,
166,727 of which have been deaths (5.78% compared to yesterday’s 5.78%)
and 2,719,391 of which have been recoveries (94.22% compared to
yesterday’s 94.22%) (our death rate percentages continue to improve and are
finally in single digits since Cuomo repealed his order sending CV
positive patients on May 10 but remain higher than the world probably due to
idiots like Cuomo sending positive CV patients into nursing homes to infect the
residents and staff who then die and accounted for some 40% of our deaths. We have
now conducted 66,321,681 tests (over 725,000 more than yesterday).
Non CV Case News: The suspense is over as Joe Biden has
selected Kamala Harris to be his running mate (Schiff must be jumping for joy
on the prospect of his being appointed to her seat if the Blues win while
hoping Newsom does not appoint himself); the economy is burning to the ground
and Pelosi and Schumer are the new Neros with their fiddles playing an
obstructionist $1 trillion aid required by states tune (the jobless walking the
plant into the seas of economic disaster may not understand the politics being
played by the Blues but they understand their checkbooks and wallets are at
zero and their credit cards are maxed out and hopefully will get their revenge
in November); Carmen Best lived up to her last name by, in view of the
anti-police views and lack of respect of the City Council and Mayor of Seattle
in laying off 100 officers, resigning (how many more officers will get the
message and resign also?); Garcetti may go wherever the leftist winds want but
the DWP has some spine and has told BLM the 2 mile long memorial to the 100
allegedly unarmed blacks killed by police over the year woven into the
perimeter fence surrounding the Silver Lake Reservoir has to be removed; the
Big 10 Conference and PAC 12 Conference have suspended their football season
and other sports because of the CV pandemic (do not be surprised if other
conferences like the SEC and ACC follow which if followed across the country
would be a great loss to Title IX women’s sports; Flynn after winning in a
three panel of Circuit Court judges is now enduring the death of a
thousand cuts before the full Circuit
Court of Appeals trying to get his case dismissed which is what the DOJ has
tried to do; Mayor De Blasio is the poster child of frugality thrown out the
window and spending like a drunken sailor on a spree as some 13,000 homeless
are being housed in some 139 hotels in the city some of which are definitely
not flea bags even as some sane minds fear the practice will bankrupt the city
unless the feds are bamboozled enough to pick up the tab which given the
impasse over stimulus they are not eager to do; Reckless Rouda has just disgraced
himself with a f###You bomb response to a tweet by to Mitch McConnell
(hopefully his behavior is a sign that he is losing it in his race with
Michelle Steel).
Chicago/Baltimore Gun Violence: In Chicago as of August 9,
2020, the number of shootings increased by 2 poorly aimed shots to 2,443, of
whom no one died to keep the raise the total at 427 (total travesty of BLM
when blacks are shot and killed by blacks in droves and only sounds of silence
and complete absence of any protests in front of City Hall demanding action to
curb the killings and shootings); Baltimore with a fraction of Chicago’s
population and hoping against all hopes that 2020 will not be a record in terms
of deaths but now seems to be shooting less and killing less and is now at 222
behind Chicago now at 205 murders (when will Chicago and Baltimore get serious
about this carnage or is this the case of true racism as a Blue run city turns
a deaf ear and a blind eye to the slaughter of people of color by people of
color and when will the left focus on the problem of color on color shootings
in Blue run cities which have been way more deadly and way more numerous than
shootings by police or random mass shootings?).
As always, I hope you
enjoy today’s holidays and observances, factoids of interest for this day
in history, a musical link to LMFAO feat GoonRock and Lauren Bennett, the
fact that you do not enjoy steaks in a percoct fashion, and a quote
by President Lyndon B. Johnson on the Watts Riots, secure in the
knowledge that if you want to find a gift for any memorable events like
Father’s Day, college graduations, birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries,
you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized
poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. You
need only contact me for details.
1. National Raspberry Bombe Day—celebrating during the month that raspberries
are ripening that delicious desert made with a cake mold over ice cream, fresh
raspberries, cream, nuts and a dash of rum.
2. National
Raspberry Tart Day—celebrating
that open face pie that has been with us since the middle ages and another good
reason to start planning your to put to use the raspberries that are ripening
this time of year.
3. 2011
Number One Song— the
number 1 song in 2011 on this day on a run of 6 weeks was “Party Rock Anthem”
by LMFAO feat. GoonRock and Lauren Bennett in their first number 1 song. Here
is a recording of the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ6zr6kCPj8 .
LMFAO was an electronic dance music duo that started in 2006 and before they
went into hiatus in 2015 performed in the half time show of Super Bowl XLVI
with Madonna.
4. Word of the Day—today’s word of the day is “percoct” which means well done
which describes what should be done with pork but not seafood.
5. Lesson
Not Learned—celebrating the
birth on this day in 1939 of Rocka Billy Ronnie Dawson who was kicked out of
college for smoking cigarettes, a habit which he sadly did not stop until later
in life which resulted in the Blonde Bomber’s career crashing due to tongue
cancer that had spread to his lungs to kill him on September 30, 2003 at age 64
just as his career was on the comeback trail.
On this day in:
a. 1919 Germany’s short-live Weimar
Constitution was signed.
b. 1934 the first federal civilian prisoners arrived at
Alcatraz Island in the San Francisco Bay.
c. 1965 the Watts Riot began after an altercation involving a
black parolee who was pulled over by the LAPD for reckless driving and did not
end until the 16th after the intervention of 14,000 members of the
California National Guard, 34 deaths, over 1,000 injuries, 3438
arrests and $40 million of property damage ($327.4 in today’s dollars).
d. 1982 a bomb placed under a passenger seat exploded in midair
while Pan Am Flight 830, a 747, was some
230 miles from Hawaii enroute to Japan killing that passenger and wounding 16
others but the pilot was able to keep the plane in the air and land in
e. 2000 19 year old Jonathan Burton in an air rage incident
kicked the cockpit door in on Southwest Airlines Flight 1763 enroute from Las
Vegas to Salt Lake City but was restrained with such force by passengers that
he died. None of the passengers was ever charged with a crime.
Reflections on the Watts Riots: “I
hope that every American who believes in equal opportunity for his fellow men,
understands this distinction that I have made. For we shall never achieve a
free and prosperous and hopeful society until we have suppressed the fires of
hate and we have turned aside from violence whether that violence comes from
the nightriders of the Klan, or the snipers and the looters in the Watts
district Neither old wrongs nor new fears can ever justify a reason or
murder.... With . . . rights comes responsibility. And with responsibility there
goes obligation.
We cannot, and we must not, in one breath demand
laws to protect the rights of all of our citizens, and then turn our back, or
wink, or in the next breath allow laws to be broken that protect the safety of
our citizens. There just must never come the hour in this Republic when any
citizen, whoever he is, can ever ignore the law or break the law with impunity.
And so long as I am your President I intend to
preserve the rights of all of our citizens, and I intend to enforce the laws that
protect all of our citizens— without regard to race, religion, region, or
without fear or favor.
A rioter with a Molotov cocktail in his hands is
not fighting for civil rights any more than a Klansman with a sheet on his back
and a mask on his face. They are both more or less what the law declares them:
lawbreakers, destroyers of constitutional rights and liberties, and ultimately
destroyers of a free America. They must be exposed and they must be dealt with.”
President Lyndon B. Johnson. 1965 Sadly as the events since the death of George
Floyd show we still have work do.
enjoy the poems on events of interest on my
twitter account below (if you like them,
retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and
entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to www.alaskanpoet.blogspot.com for
Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History, poems to
inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items
of importance or go to Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.
© August 11, 2020 Michael P. Ridley aka the
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire, Beyond Compare
A Unique Gift, All Recipients to Receive a Lasting Gift
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