Sunday, October 16, 2016

How Low Can It Go?

A few snippets of why this election has sunk so low
How much lower in terms of demonizing attacks can it go?
Of Fox News on Saturday a Blue who ran for the nomination and was a complete flop
With a straight face and in all seriousness went completely over the top
To Martin O’Malley the election is really a very simple choice
A vote for Trump is a vote that will cause the fascists to rejoice
But a vote for Hillary is a vote for freedom to be cast
So now Trump is wearing black shirts and to linked to Mussolini’s failed past?
O’Malley comes off as a complete idiot and a fool and an example of the Blues’ need to divide
Not to be left behind in the race for a more divisive diatribe
Podesta after the San Bernardino shooting on a leaked email was bemoaning that the shooters were radical Islamists
Lights burning late in the Clinton camp on how attacks on radical Islam to tooth and nail resist
150 pages of briefings the nature of our enemy to try to blur
Yet still conveying a forlong idea that Hillary would keep us secure
Now even Biden who even Reds like this poet has some respect
Has jumped into the fray to divert attention from issues like jobs to try to Hillary elect
Trump’s words of 11 years ago are not lewd but constitute sexual assault
Not spoken to any women and until October gathering dust for years in a TV station’s vault
Another typical Joe Biden gaffe
But this time makes one angry not to make on laugh
If Hillary would not have tried to demonize and destroy Bill’s victims with her threats and words
Bringing Bill into campaign rhetoric would verge on the absurd
She did not and with her full fury heaped on the victims for Bill’s sexual assaults the blame
Having done so, Bill’s sexual assaults that were contemporaneous with the charges are fair game.
But a leopard even an aging one cannot change his spots and the knowledge that to the White House would return Bill
Should give any father or daughter of a young female intern like Monica a very disturbing and fearful chill
© October 16.2016, Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet8for Hire, Poems to Admire

Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
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