Thursday, September 7, 2017

Irma Number 2 Jose Please Do Not Be Threekf

What is frightening beyond belief
We have not even begun to recover from Harvey grief
The down payment from the Swamp in almost record time
But the residents in South Florida to save themselves running out of time
Lagging behind Irma by three or so days is Jose
We humans hoping that as a hurricane he will not know the way
Somehow pivots to the right sooner and loses the Florida track
To no longer be the number three punch bringing a huge budget setback
Florida and the Gulf Coast protected not by nature but by funds advanced by the feds
A magnet for housing and businesses that should go to safer places instead
Insanity is building more and more in flood and hurricane zones
Hoping that Mother Nature does not creat another Andrew, Harvey or Katrina clone
Is this climate change of Mother Nature turning on us frail humans who this planet abuse
A final warning that to survive as a species another path we need to chose?
While gazing at the images of the hurricanes on their destructive course
Know that we are also looking at a destructive solar force
Know not the answer nor the future weather and natural disasters able to predict
Or for that matter the odds of massive deaths that more nuclear armed nations could inflict
Only that we humans must live with a purpose and to always try
To make this planet a better place no matter how slight before we die
     © September 7, 2017 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet                          
        Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire

        Poet Extraordinaire Beyond Compare    
       The Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive Lasting Lift

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