When it
comes to regulating behavior the minds of politicians are a fertile field
Common sense
becomes a casualty; from the politicians it can no longer us shield
In New York
taking a selfie with a tiger or other big feline with claws
Is now at
the first of the year against New York law
Anyone who
is dumb enough to put a face next to a lion is lacking one too many screws
That is not
what any level headed person would do
In New York
also if you want to pierce your pet’s ears
It will land
you in jail after the first of the year
shoppers are in for a rude surprise
This summer
they will see the plastic bag’s demise
No more spontaneous
trip to the market to buy food to open one’s pantry doors
Carry reusables
in the car at all times the preferably washed before heading into the store
Two more
states and the D.C. join the Purple haze creep
Step by step
the War on Drugs is going down to defeat
Just a few
examples of the tendency to control and in our lives intrude
No wonder we
feel safer when the pols are on a vacation interlude
© December
31, 2014 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet
for Hire, Poems to Admire
Extraordinaire Beyond Compare
Rhymes on
the Memorable Times
Perfect Gift, All Recipients to Receive a Lasting Lift