Monday, September 30, 2024

Leak to Press from Biden Administration Tipped off Hezbollah to Israeli Border Raid Plans

 Biden must be so mentally impaired he tries to function on auto-pilot
Totally unaware that a leak in his Administration made our most reliable ally in the Middle East to become distraught
Someone not yet revealed tipped off the press
That Israel was going to make a border raid to rocket launchings suppress
If Hezbollah was alerted by the press to the IDF’s excursion plans for a border raid
They could either try to ambush the forces or retreat to successfully evade
So the IDF would be wasting ammo to shell land with Hezbollah fighters long gone
And tail between their legs empty handed they would be withdrawn
Of if Hezbollah did not flee but moved to a different local to the ambush spring
They would be able to some IDF kill and the border raid hamstring
When the leak probably means there are moles in the Administration wanting to the excursion casualties to the Israelis bring
There are probably when it comes to closet antisemites quit a few
Who any flow of arms to Israel to fight against Hamas and Hezbollah want to eschew

© 9/30/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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