Saturday, September 28, 2024

AOC's Rampant Prostitution District After Complaints and a Fox Reported Raided by NYPD to Shut a Brothel Which Was Open For Business the Day

 AOC has a great speaking voice and a somewhat attractive face
A camera news bite magnet but on solving constituents’ needs a total disgrace
Her district in the Queen is a district over run with drugs, crime and prostitution to be seen
The only illegal acts not present were moonshiners trying to sell poteen
Finally after numerous complaints to the city and a Fox exposé
The  NYPD raided a flaunting brothel the other day
Arrested three, closed it down and sent the disappointed “Johns” on their way
Back in business within a day as Fox cameras would reveal
AOC nowhere to be found as the news no way advanced her bankrupting green new deal
With her focus not on her district but being featured and interviewed on the news
One has to wonder how she can remain in office even if her district is safely Blue
The Squad fortunately lost 2 of its members in the Blue primaries to their district’s joy
But the two head Squad honchos Omar and AOC a solid grip on their voters still enjoy

© 9/28/2024  Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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