Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Word Salad Was Full of Non Answers, Platitudes and Talking Points On Only Second Interview This One With Taff on Philadelphia's ABC6


The Word Salad Queen gave her second press interview with Philadelphia’s 6ABC anchor Brian Taff
Without a script she struggled to respond to questions to avoid gaffes and her cackling laughs
When asked for two things she would do to ease Americans’ daily financial pains, her voter come-on
After rambling on and on about growing up in a middle class neighborhood with well-kept lawns
A $50,000 tax deduction to start a small business and $25,000 for first time home buyers to make their down payment
Which would not lower the cost of utilities, gas, groceries, and clothing that daily would still have to be spent
And if the down payment requirement were 20% of the purchase price would require a purchase price of $125,000 or less
With the median home price in Pennsylvania now at $270,780 trying to find such lower priced homes would cause a lot of stress
She is a great orator complete with hand movements, facial gestures and pauses
But when she goes off script or without teleprompter, her answers are platitudes and talking points which reveal her flaws
She was ripped apart on social media that her answers revealed she is not fit
Not surprising as before a single primary in 2020 from the race she quit

© 9/14/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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