Friday, September 27, 2024

Harris' Border Opt Not Policy and Is 4 Years Late and 20 M Deportations Short and Must Be Defeated


Harris is the perfect hologram candidate with no policies only empty vows in the air
Must believe that after nearly 4 years of being as border czar MIA a border photo opt proves for our prosperity and security she really cares
If she were a branded steer
Lots of rebranding scars would appear
This radical sheep in wolf’s clothing as a moderate or conservative is not
But hidden beneath the rebranding costume are policies that are mere leftist rot
Her vows of lower taxes, less crime, secure border, and support for Israel are seductive myths
If she wins the White House they will be thrown out over the nearest cliff
When she is taken by surprise and cannot avoid a question on her beliefs
The question is like a lobster looking for voting bait when into the pot she goes in but the answer won’t come out as she knows it will cause her grief
A candidate with integrity and honesty trying to do for America what is best
Not one like Harris who is only on an enhancing her fame and fortune quest
Would on the border, crime, fracking, inflation and antisemitism apologize and admit she was wrong
Seek voters’ forgiveness and seek their aid in altering her radical behavior to prove in the White House she belongs
Sadly not a chance in Hell that she will admit
That unless she sheds her radical policies as CIC she would not be fit

© 9/27/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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