Friday, September 13, 2024

After Being Fired by CNN Don Lemon Resurfacing in an Online TV Show But Still Up to Old Bias By Mocking Melania Over SS Errors


However he pronounces his surname Don Lemon’s acts mirror his surname
A lemon is a car that appears to be gem on the lot but upon leaving after purchase by a series of breakdowns is its fame
Anyone who buys a lemon will moan and despair the day
That a series of mechanical and electrical failures never go away
In Lemon’s case any sense of truth disappears before the words reach his lips
Bias of any Red especially Trump due to TDS Stage 4 has him in a stranglehold grip
Following the assassination attempt of Trump a grieving Melania appeared questioning how the police could not have arrested the shooter before he climbed on the roof to shoot
Gross negligence by the SS or even worse the fruit of a long sought plan of eliminating him that had long since taken root
Lemon mocked her with many belittling facial expressions oblivious to the fear she must have still felt
That her husband came within of a fraction less than ¼ inch of death by an assassin being dealt
After being fired from CNN after 17 years
Lemon in an online gig Don Lemon TV will again appear
His mockery of Melania shows this leopard has not changed his spots
Doubt any significant number of viewers will watch so ad revenue will be near squat
Hard to wish a biased leftist well
When his bias turns the airways into a flaming Hell

© 9/13/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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