Thursday, September 12, 2024

Senate Will Soon Release a Scathing Report on the Failures of the Secret Service in the Trump Assassination Attempt


The Senate is close to releasing its report on the Trump assassination  attempt
Blue Senator Blumenthal has indicated the public will be shocked implying the report will hold the Secret Service in total contempt
Michael Plati, the Assistant Director in charge of security for Biden, Harris, Trump and Vance, has resigned effective Friday after 27 years
Probably anticipating the condemnation of his actions that in the report will most likely appear
Whistleblowers have surfaced claiming they were not properly trained to provide Trump’s security
And agents were pulled to cover a Jill Biden indoor campaign event nearby with threats compared to Trump lacking any parity
The Department of Homeland Security has denied such reports
But clearly this is how conspiracy theories germinate and are hard to cut short
Not sure that the report will reveal the obvious what is caused by the dog whistles of hate
Claiming Trump and his supporters are Nazis and threats to democracy by implication bullets rate
One of Trump’s debate best lines was when Trump claimed Harris almost got him killed
Why the over the top Blue rhetoric 24/7 if not stopped will

© 9/12/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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