Sunday, September 29, 2024

Kerry Believes as an Existential Foe of Climate Change Free Speech Under the First Must Be Scrapped


John Kerry the self-appointed climate change czar
Who with his private jet travel is one of the biggest carbon emitters by far
Has a new target for his climate change wrath
Not the coal fired plants China and India increasingly craft
But the First Amendment and its freedom of speech
That according to Kerry creates disinformation preventing the spread of climate change dangers to the public reach
He believes that what he calls disinformation climate change discounts of demeans
Must be subject to be subject to a “truth arbiter” so only true facts by the public are heard and seen
Totally opposed to the idea that to correct the “abuses” of free speech is not less free speech but more
A society thrives and prospers when conflicting ideas are not censored and flow through an open door
Tyranny thrives when information’s content and distribution is controlled by an elite ruling class
Be it a dictator or one party rule or social media algorithms crafted by leftists to prevent conflicting ideas pass
God help us if this unelected Kerry is selected for his desired truth arbiter job
Who despite his or her best intentions our free exchange of ideas will rob
As a slight digress if our failing teacher union dominated urban schools were achieving real “A” grades
More of our population would have the ability determine the truth or discard the speech that was a mere charade

© 9/29/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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