Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Close Election Means Blue Ends Justify the Mean Voter Fraud Will Be On the Rise To Elect Blues


Ever since Biden was forced out in a Blue elite coup
The closeness of this election especially in swing states grew
And like the fact that the Sun always rises in the East and sets in the West
Look for the rise of Voter fraud fostered by the Blues to a fair election arrest
In Wisconsin in a “oops” moment at least 2000 duplicate absentee ballots were sent out
Raising the specter of potential voter fraud there can be no doubt
Already reports across the nation are coming in that illegals have wrongly registered to vote
Raising the concern that more and more the chance of a lack of voter fraud are remote
Some states are purging voters who have died or moved out of their state from the voter rolls
Others not devoting much time to achieve that worthy election goal
While Blues fight tooth and nail
To insure that requiring voter ID measures to vote will fail
Our federal and state governments have gotten so large and the amount of expenditures boggle the mind
That to feed on the government troughs and control fellow citizens anyone not believing end justifies the means is blind
© 9/25/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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