Sunday, September 29, 2024

Some Red Former Red Office Holders Shedding Their Tusks While Many More Blues Are Shedding Their Shoes and Growing Tusks


Some former Red office holders are ditching their tusks
Replacing them with 1 or 2 horns 2 become a RINO urging voters to Harris trust
Claiming the Reds with Trump are no longer the Party of Bush, Dole & Ike
That the rebranded for a day Harris is a unifying force we should all like
For every new RINO no longer in office now touting the RINO brand
There are probably 1000’s of Blues who the radical shift of the party can't accept or understand
The party that was once the party of FDR, Truman, LBJ, Clinton & JFK
Who if alive today would not be able to leave the dugout much less reach first base on primary election days
Now becoming more radical & progressive subject to forces like the Squad coming their way
The term “moderate Democrat” has long since into oblivion faded away
Waging a war on the police and Title IX
Incapable as transgender raise havoc in women’s sports to a biologic female define
Wishy washy on Israel fighting for its existential survival
Deaf, dumb and blind to the surging tide of antisemitism revival
Putting illegals 1st in line 4 federal & state aid
As M's of them many convicted violent felons our towns invade
Calling for an end to over the top rhetoric and illusionary violence from the right
Blowing their dog whistles of racism and pissed Trump dodged a fatal bullet when in a gunsight
These new RINOs ignore the reality of Harris' seductive rebranding charade
Which will be tossed into the trash after the ending of the Inauguration Day Parade

© 9/29/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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