Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Make of Break Debate for Break for Trump and Harris Records and Policies Prevail over Personality and Vibes



RIDLEY’S BELIEVE IT OR NOT September 10, 2024

Political Debate Shoot Out at the OK Coral

After hiding and refusing to answer questions even from a friendly press
So her positions on the rebranded Harris 2.0 from voters she has tried to suppress
Trying to be for the first time in modern political history as the current V.P.
Trying to be labeled as a nonincumbent so her past record the voters will not see
Finally kicking and screaming and digging in her heels she has tossed in the towel in opposing a debate
Tonight a 9:00 P.M. EDT Trump and Harris will try to convince the voters they should be the captain of this ship of state
Already her MSM supporters have lowered the bar with their spin
Almost to the point that in her just showing up she will win
As the first step to ready selected debate clips
That she ended the debate with the title winner in her grip
Using her own words that “I was the last person in the room”
Trump will tie her to the disastrous policy decisions that brought us doom
From opening the border, to the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act
To the flood of illegal migrants putting our towns’ and cities’ safety and social welfare under attacks
While Bidenomics have pushed families into a world of economic pain
Burdened by crippling national debt and vacillating treatment of our allies sending our standing and trustworthiness down the drain
In her own words “My values haven’t changed” but asking Americans to believe she will fulfill her myriad of flip flops
When most Americans except those infected with TDS Stage 4 rightfully believe on election her efforts will completely stop
Expect Harris to play the abortion card falsely claiming Trump wants to ban abortion which he does not
And aping Walz’s claim that such a thick 2025 Initiative will be used to achieve right wing policies the Heritage Foundation has sought
This election will determine whether personality and vibes or policy and record of both will prevail
If the latter Harris’ election by landslide will fail
If the former and a host of cackles we no longer see the election will be razor thin
With the MSM 24/7 and Social Media, other than X slanting news in her favor sadly she may just  win

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              © September 10, 2024 Alaskanpoet
              Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
              Poet Extraordinaire, Beyond Compare
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