Monday, September 23, 2024

DOJ Inanely Releases Roush Letter Promising $150,000 to Kill Trump If He Failed


Blues ever so briefly after Trump’s second assassination attempt violence condemned
Oblivious to the fact their 24/7 rants that Trump was an existential democracy threat made an assassination attempt not if but when
Probably the condemnations were only for show
Since so many really wanted Trump to the morgue go
Now showing their true colors by on this second attempt assign to Trump the blame
Any politician or bureaucrat who blames the victim for the crime deserves the utmost shame
Too many Blues not willing to tone down the rhetoric and no longer the dog whistles blow
Should know their rants are urging the wanna-be assassin fame seekers to grab a scoped AR-15 and load it with ammo
Worse the DOJ seems oblivious to its actions that most likely insure another try
Releasing attempted assassin Roush’s letter bemoaning if he failed he would pay $150,000 if by another assassin Trump would die
Would be assassins are too dumb to realize that a man who cannot pay child support  and must have a free public defender
Would not have $150,000 to use to pay a successful assassin offender
So as long as the 24/7 Trump threats to democracy continue to persist
Threats to Trump’s life and democracy ended by a bullet not ballots will exist

© 9/24/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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