Monday, September 2, 2024

Posters Falsely Calling Harris the Eagles' Candidate Is Harris Show Desperation in the Harris Camp

 Sadly, this race given Harris and Biden record should be a blowout for Trump
But given the lawfare, Harris’ reimaging flip flops that MSM other that Fox will not expose on the campaign stump
In the Swing States the election will be decided the slimmest of margins to win
Signs of desperation by the Blues to the narrative in favor of Harris spin
In Philadelphia in the Keystone State false ad posters are appearing naming Harris as the Eagles’ candidate
The ends justify the means creed of the Blues that we all regardless of party should berate
The Eagles organization has their talons out
To the posters are fraud to loudly and often shout
Created by street artist Winston Tseng to with brands social issues communicate
NFL fans tend to be more conservative pro-Trump in this political debate
Sports and political party endorsements do not mix well
The Eagles should find sold out games should be harder to sell

© 9/2/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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