Thursday, September 26, 2024

When Comes Responsive Answers Harris Like a Black Hole In Space


Harris has become the political equivalent of a black hole in space
Questions to her are sucked and answers vanish without a trace
Or in rare cases when the black hole’s gravity is weak
A non-responsive platitude instead of answers voters seek
Whereas a chameleon changes colors due to temperature or fear
Harris changes her views to those she thinks voters want to hear
Empty vows on what she will do in her first term
But her failure to act on such vows for almost 4 years those vows disaffirms
From her desperation to rebrand her most radical past a stream of flip flops
Voters are not stupid they know any action of her rebranded vows after election will stop
From her our ears are pounded with word salad rants and inane cackles
Hiding the fact that her executive orders on fracking will natural gas production shackle
And the wall she thinks is no longer a Trump vanity project
Her vow to build a small extension she will reject
If the MSM Blue lackeys started to fulfill their role as a free press
Her evasive and nonresponsive answers or utter silence they would suppress
But their view is that voters know what Trump will do which is a democracy threat
So her answers are not needed and her radical views voters must forget

© 9/26/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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